Archive for the Nite Jewel Tag

Signer+Kurt Vile+Nite Jewel+Toro Y Moi

Posted by Jakub

Kurt Vile - God Is Saying This To You…
I’ve been a huge Signer fan for awhile now, Carpark Records has just been on a tear lately, rereleasing some of their original artists that made me fall in love with the label and this new one by Toro Y Moi, here’s to more in 2010. Signer’s track almost makes me delusional with the synth notes holding on for so long, its a nice break from beat and guitar material like the Toro Y Moi but both are on repeat at my house.

Nite Jewel truly reminds me of Public Access Television in Lansing, MI in the 80’s, its jaw dropping how charming these girls are. The songs touch on synth sounds that i’d need Scott to help me pin point what they are but I want them all.

Kurt Vile has a less lo-fi album that just came out but his material on Mexican Summer was what really grabbed my ear. check out Prom King as well, such simple singer songwriter material that doesn’t make you snore.

Signer – Break my arms around you


Nite Jewel – Artificial Intelligence


Kurt Vile – My Best Friends (Don’t Even Pass This)


Toro Y Moi – Blessa
