Aaron Feaver is an absolutely terrific photographer based in Los Angeles. His work is very moody and drenched in melancholy. It seems everywhere he goes it’s foggy and there are countless beautiful women moping around. Sounds like San Francisco…er…well, at least the bit about the fog.
Check out the rest of his portfolio here (depending how old school your job is, some of his shots may be nsfw).

If the word ‘melancholy’ does not appear in this post, I am not doing my job. Sure the photographs of Garmonique are a little on the gloomy side, but that doesn’t stop them from being absolutely gorgeous. The color and composition of each is tremendous. (Can color/composition be described as tremendous? Probably not, but these shots are great enough that I willing to bend any vocabulary rules you might subscribe to.) He captures a very specific mood. I feel lost and lonely — but in a good way. Mysterious, dark and yes, melancholic indeed. That one image of the ocean reminds me a lot of the Hiroshi Sugimoto shot used for U2’s last album cover.
A bunch more on his Behance.