We’ve covered some of Franco Grignani’s (Italian, 1908-1999) work here on the blog before, but I recently ran across some very nice new scans over at Display. Some of these I hadn’t seen yet or was unable to locate high enough resolution images to post. Inspiring stuff; and a quick Google image search reveals the debt modern graphic design owes this man.
Images source Display via Junkyard.dogs

After years of digging around for interesting posters it’s easy to foolishly assume I’ve seen everything good there is to see. Then I come across work like that of Italian designer Mimmo Castellano and am once again reminded that you’ve never really seen it all. The images are from this GrainEdit post where, unfortunately, they do not mention the source. I would love to find which book they got these scans from, or better yet, where I can get my hands on some full size prints. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
via GrainEdit

The Pirelli poster I wrote about yesterday came from this great book, Poster Collection: Zurich-Milan. Inside is a great and varied assortment of posters from the Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich’s collection. My favorite was the Pirelli tire advert, but I love the above as well. Starting from the top, designed by Max Huber, Silvio Coppola, Giancarlo Iliprandi, and Anna Monika Jost. The cool thing about the book is much of the work is rarely seen elsewhere. There is some commentary, but I recommend this book mainly for the visuals.

I recently visited the Triennale Design Museum in Milan and saw some nifty little things. The exhibit was dedicated mostly to Italian industrial design from the 50’s/60’s. Some of my favorites are pictured above; a Ferrari P6, Olivetti Lettera 22, Brionvega TV and radio, and a Zanussi Refrigerator which looks like a time travel device. Unfortunately, I missed Design Week by a few days, but the museum was a decent substitute. It wasn’t very big at all—took only about 15 minutes to walk through—but it’s always nice to see a dedicated design exhibit.