Insomnia Festival: ISO50/Tycho in Norway
Posted by Scott
I’ll be playing a live set as Tycho and doing a workshop as ISO50 next week in Tromsø, Norway as part of Insomnia Festival 2009. I’ve never been to Norway so I’m really excited to check it out. I’m assuming I’ll be needing to dress warm? Norwegians: What should I bring? What should I see while I’m there? Any tips would be appreciated in the comments. Röyksopp and Lindstrøm will also be playing at Insomnia so really looking forward to seeing them live.
Event Info:
ISO50 Workshop – Friday, October 23rd | info
Tycho live set – Saturday, October 24th | info
A full PDF event program for Insomnia 2009 can be downloaded here
Insomnia Festival Website – Link
Hope to see you up there!