After years of digging around for interesting posters it’s easy to foolishly assume I’ve seen everything good there is to see. Then I come across work like that of Italian designer Mimmo Castellano and am once again reminded that you’ve never really seen it all. The images are from this GrainEdit post where, unfortunately, they do not mention the source. I would love to find which book they got these scans from, or better yet, where I can get my hands on some full size prints. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
via GrainEdit
I did an interview for the excellent Grain Edit blog recently and they’ve posted it up today. We covered a lot of ground from coffee shops and design to music production. There’s also a couple bonus shots of the studio in there. Check it out at the link below.
Grain Edit ISO50 Interview →
Michelle McCormick recently posted Dave Cuzner’s Grain Edit on her Inspiration Resource blog. If you’ve been to Grain Edit before, you’ll know what a great collection of classic design artifacts Dave has. Above are just a few small glimpses into that collection. Dave is a vintage bookseller out of Oakland, CA who I first met at an ADAC event in Sacramento. He had a booth there and I was pretty blown away by the books he brought out. I later met him again here in San Francisco where he showed me part of an amazing Czech stamp collection which he is working on. All very inspirational stuff indeed! Link