Halloween Themed Mix by Fever Ray
Resident Advisor swooped in probably grabbed the best musician at the moment to do a Halloween themed mix for us, Fever Ray. I just don’t remember them contacting her since i’m her boyfriend and all and I should of known about this (just kidding, only in my dreams). Another great perk that comes along with the RA Podcast’s is the short interview, here’s a few snip its from it:
RA: What came first with Fever Ray, the music or the aesthetic? And how do they two inform each other?
Fever Ray: Music always comes first. It is the difficult part. The visual aspect of Fever Ray is more of a great hobby after the hard work is done.
RA: What have you been working on recently?
Fever Ray: I have been touring with Fever Ray and with The Knife I am just about to finish the studio version of the opera, Tomorrow in a Year.
Neil Young – Guitar Solo 1
Yo La Tengo – Everyday
Journey To Ixtlan – Corpse On The Mesa
Jad & David Fair – Nosferatu
Zola Jesus – Devil Take You
Bruce Haack – Mean Old Devil
Krause – Duo Canopolis
Burial Hex – Will To Chapel
Suicide – Ghost Rider
Amadou & Miriam – Ja Pense À Toi
Shackleton – Death Is Not Final
Entombed – Night Of The Vampire
Maddalena Fagandini – Interval Signals
Burundi: Musiques Traditionnelles – Chant Avec Cithare