Archive for the Factory Records Tag

Factory Records Posters

Posted by Scott

So we’re finally in Toronto for the final Ghostly show tomorrow. The Drake Hotel has put us up in the Artist Apartments next door which actually have internet, which has been a rare commodity on this trip. Sam and I were sitting here looking through his favorite saved images and he pulled up the Peter Saville designed New Order poster above. So nice, I looked it up and found this other FAC88 poster — reminds me a lot of this. The top one is all you Alex.

The Wake+Mr. Projectile+Leclair+Dntel

Posted by Jakub

thewakeDigging thru promos can really mess with your head because you just want to find those collection of songs right away that you’ll listen to forever. So what do you do when you don’t find anything? you go back to old favorites or good suggestions from friends and this song by The Wake was the latest recommendation from 800beloved’s frontman Sean Lynch. You can just tell 30 seconds into the song “Man, these guys were probably great but they were definitely overshadowed by The Cure”. Where do you think John Hughes was when this song came out? this is perfect for one of his teen heartbreak films.

IDM I always felt was just a few steps away from being for really big but the majority of the fan base didn’t like to share or support, its like they wanted to keep their precious music to themselves and make it more obscure and not go to the shows to keep the musicians going. Mr. Projectile might of had a gem on his hands when he put out his album Sinking which featured a vocal by a girl named Amy Turany who I thought might of done more work but it seems like this is the last thing she ever sang on.

Montreal has always had a forward thinking music scene, I remember going to the Mutek Festival years ago and seeing electronic vinyl shops thrive, that definitely put a smile on my face. One man Marc Leclair also known as Akufen put an outstanding record together called Musique Pour 3 Femmes Enceintes which I highly recommend.
For how cold it is in Montreal, I always pictured Marc making this song 236e Jour by a window and he just felt the first perfect weather day of the year where the breeze is heavy and every window needs to be opened.

Grizzly Bear and Dntel on the same track, oh its a music bloggers dream to share with friends that come and visit. I really like the catchiness of this song after the breakdown, Dntel did such good work with the builds and sequencing of the 6+ min track. I couldn’t think of better voices to accompany his music than Grizzly Bear, yes even better than Mr. Gibbard in my opinion.

The Wake – All I Asked You to Do


Mr. Projectile – You Need


Marc Leclair – 236e Jour


Dntel – To A Fault
