Erik Nitsche is a favorite at ISO50 (see posts here, here, and here), and I was disappointed when the Flickr stream compiling his work went down (mainly because I missed the chance to check it out). Luckily, Matthew Lyons and Galerie 123 (where you can purchase some of his original prints) are here to lend a helping hand.
Galerie 123 via Matthew Lyons

Clearly we’re fans of Erik Nitsche as we’ve posted a number of times about his work in the past. These three pieces are some of my favorites. The first and second were annual reports completed in 1955 and 1959; the third is a cover that was designed in 1956.
It’s really a shame the Flickr stream that held Nitsche’s work is now down. These images were found here.

Beautiful poster for the Convair 880 by one of my favorite designers, Erik Nitsche. Apparently $1,000 will score you one of these rare prints.
via Grain Edit