Ya heard 'bout me?!
My fifth and final post as guest blogger for Adobe Inspire is up. In this installment I talk about the godfather of architectural photography, Julius Shulman. Read the full article here.
I just wanted to say thanks to Adobe for having me and to everyone for checking out the articles this week. I had a great time writing for Inspire, be sure to keep an eye out next week for guest blogger Joshua Davis.
And now for a few selections that didn’t make the Inspire post:

My latest post at Adobe’s Inspire Blog (where I’m guest blogging this week) is up. I focused on Photographer/Director Timothy Saccenti, who’s work you might recognize from some past posts.
Read the full article at Adobe Inspire

As I mentioned earlier, I’m guest blogging over at Adobe’s Inspire Blog this week. Today I talked about the work and process of one of my favorite photographers, Kalle Gustafsson. Read the entire article at Adobe Inspire
By the way, Kalle has a great new portfolio up with loads of new work to look at. You can check it out at www.kallegustafsson.com

I’ll be guest blogging over at Inspire — Adobe’s Experience Design blog — this week. The Experience Design Team (XD for short) is an internal group at Adobe who develop applications and interfaces, you’ve seen their work in the form of the Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom interfaces. This months Inspire is focused on photography so I’ll be pointing out the photographers that inspire me and also talking about the roles photography plays in my own work. I posted up a short introduction today with more to come throughout the week. Check it out here.