Kevin Drew+Gang Gang Dance+Soviet+Ward
If you haven’t picked up this Kevin Drew record, it’s a must have in my book, great to put on if you have friends over and you ran out of Junior Boys or Kings Of Convenience to play and you played out your old Broken Social Scene CD. Its got alil more rock but its the perfect amount.
This Gang Gang Dance track is pretty gnarly, its one of more beautiful art rock tracks out there that doesn’t neglect the audience and it’s really inviting if you can take on the intense parts.
This track doesn’t make any sense among the others but it’s a nice follow up to Scott’s post the other day. I saw Soviet on tour maybe 5 years ago with about 8 people total at the show and i thought they we’re super entertaining and had this unique look that wasn’t all too 80’s or neon hipster sh*t show like half the crap thats flying around right now.
I don’t know much about M. Ward, one thing i noticed was it reminded me of a cleaned up version of Bibio.
[audio:drew.mp3] [audio:egowar.mp3] [audio:soviet.mp3] [audio:mward.mp3]