This various artist compilation by Red Bull Music Academy has been up for around 3 months now and never really got any love, almost all of the songs only have about 2,000 plays so I thought it would be a good short relaxing collection to share.
Lets just talk about the style of the genre though, this streak of New Age releases that keep popping up is exciting since the format of the sound has soo much room for remodeling. The sounds that are used would have been throw away 5 years ago while OPN’s popularity helped new fans feel comfortable to dig around in New Age bins. I’m not saying this is anything new but after seeing someone as large as Red Bull giving this a head nod i’m guessing we’ll be seeing a lot more 20 somethings with tiny waterfalls in their rooms next to their glass cube walls playing songs only made out of pads while scrolling through tumblr.

Great prints by illustrator, Jeremy Harnell, who designs and produces music under the name Sons of Wolves. You can browse and shop for more prints here.

Bibio has always been skilled in crafting electronica that has the warmth of folk music, and he has now brought that to Tycho’s “Spectre.” The original track was one of the lushest downtempo numbers to appear on his album, Awake, and this version gives it a dreamy, sunny charm that makes me hope we’ll be hearing these two link up again soon.
via Stereogum

No words. Just dive in.
But honestly, The Beat Broker can do no wrong. Somehow this man can catch emotion thats floating in a breeze and redirect it into a mix.

I’ve been following Hunter Hampton on Vimeo for quite a while and he’s got really great work. Thought this was fitting for a mid-summer afternoon post. Shot on super 16mm, kick back, fullscreen and enjoy.

Photos by 22 year old photographer from Montreal, Canada, Sean Mundy

The Balearic sound is always expanding, if its not New Age influenced its a bit more world or tribal or even slightly lounge. Either way the sound wasn’t a fad from a few years ago, its definitely here to stay if you are willing to dig.
Some of the better record shops seem to be picking up on posting clips of records that are coming into the shops on Soundcloud which is making it way easier to shop through these hundreds of records that come out every week.
Lusine is back with a crystal clean single that touches on some of his best work he’s done in the past. Always smooth as gloss and driven low end thats a perfect weight, no denying the melody either. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
The jungles surface slowly growing in on hazy planet, Lance Neptune hits us with another single that makes me want to dig up a few of my old favorite EPs on Planet-Mu from a few summers ago.

Melbourne visual artist Jack Vanzet touches on some of the most compelling design i’ve seen since Michael Cina.
via Jack Vanzet