Archive for January, 2014

Reuben Wu Distant Suns Chicago Exhibition

Posted by Jon M

If you are in the Chicago area, make sure to stop by the Schneider Gallery for blog favorite Reuben Wu’s latest exhibition titled Distant Suns. Opening reception night is this Friday, January 10th, and will run through March 1st 2014, alongside Lynn Saville.

Some words from the gallery on Reuben’s work:

Somewhere between 1970s concept album art, expeditionary imagery, and Surrealist painting is where Reuben Wu’s photographs steadfastly sit. His are pictures made in the real world, however, through collapsing time and merging processes, the real is transformed into the surreal, evoking a response simultaneously familiar and foreign. The photographs amplify the strangeness of place and speak to Wu’s individual experience within it.

Schneider Gallery
230 West Superior St.
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 988-4033

Lone + Lamin Fofana + Terekke + Nils Frahm

Posted by Jakub

By Robert Morris, Mirror Cubes, 1965

By Robert Morris, Mirror Cubes, 1965

We’ll never stop posting new Lone, its always an inviting listen, you may recognize it from a Rustie mix from 2012.

Titled “Homage (Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.)” this single from Lamin Fofana had me in a trance this morning.

Terekke is true to the deep end of techno/house, he has a few 12″ out, hoping 2014 will be his breakout year.

I’ve been on a Nils Frahm kick over break, just pressing play and letting his whole LP after LP play through, really rewarding listening sessions.

Brabham [1972-1987]

Posted by Rory

The 1970’s and 80’s were an exciting time for F1, largely because constructors had less of a grasp on aerodynamic behaviour. As consequence, there were some fairly unique and extreme design discrepencies between competitors during that period, Brabham being one team who’s radical attempts may have achieved mixed results, but they always certainly looked fast. They were collectively memorable due to their distinctive liveries, my preference leaning towards the Alfa/Parmalat era.