Archive for the Show Listing Category

The Echo Society V

Posted by Jon M


The Echo Society’s fifth event, V, will take place in the historic The Theatre at Ace Hotel in Downtown LA on Wednesday, August 31, 2016. The show will feature new works by the The Echo Society collective alongside guest collaborators Clark, The Haxan Cloak, Ted Hearne, and Chelsea Wolfe.

V, or five, evokes freedom and symbolizes matter with the subtle addition of spirit. It moves beyond restrictions.


In addition, V will feature video projections by EFFIXX and lighting by visual designer Tobias Rylander of Seven Design, who has worked with such acts as Miike Snow, The XX, Phoenix, Explosions In The Sky, to name a few.

Tickets available here.


Exclusive: ALEK FIN An Mynda (In Studio)

Posted by Jon M

Photo by Tim Navis

Following a three year hiatus after the release of his debut EP Mull, producer and musician Adam Finkel, who goes by pseudonym of ALEK FIN, returns with his latest effort Án Mynda; a five track EP of which he has shared an intimate live rendition of the title track, Án Mynda, exclusively with ISO50:

This video was filmed in my old studio space where Jeff, Mike and I built and crafted the live show behind closed doors for years. Grateful to have that space preserved on film and finally give everyone a look into what we’ve been working on.

– Adam


Directed, filmed and edited by Travis & Taylor Keaster
Mixed by Jason Sharp

You can listen to Án Mynda HERE

Album Art by Alloy Studio

Also, if you’re in Los Angeles, be sure to check out ALEK FIN live at The Mint on January 25th.


Artwork by Alloy Studio

Spektrum Berlin In San Francisco

Posted by Jon M

Blog favorite Matthias Heiderich is having his first solo exhibition in the US:

Gallery Carte Blanche is pleased to announce the opening of Spektrum Berlin, Matthias Heiderich on Thursday, July 19, 2012.
Featuring the work of German-based photographer Matthias Heiderich, in his first solo exhibition in the United States, Spektrum Berlin challenges visions and stereotypes of Germany, in particular East Berlin, through colorful eye-popping urban architectural photography.
Viewed together or individually, each of Heiderich’s images transform the banality and universality of buildings into a mosaic of geometrical shapes, reconstructing the world we live in into an abstract canvas of lines, patterns, angular compositions, and vibrant colors. Saturated to the limits of reality, Heiderich’s prints, emerging directly from a 1980s color palette and influenced by 1950s and 1960s color photography and polaroid images, look at an industrial past with a present freshness and optimism for the future.
Self-taught, Heiderich doesn’t often play by the “rules”, however the influence of German photographic tradition is apparent in Heiderich’s work. Invested in the same rigor and pragmatism as Bernd Bechers, Heiderich creates systematic photographic typologies of industrial buildings and structures, emphasizing how each building is a product of human mind and skill. Following his natural instinct for composition, in series after series Heiderich experiments, searches for individuality, and cultivates a unique style and sensibility.

Spektrum Berlin, Matthias Heiderich opens on Thursday, July 19 and runs through September 13, 2012. The opening reception will be held on Friday, July 20th from 6pm–9pm.

Gallery Hours:
Monday-Friday 11am-7pm
Saturday 11am-8pm
Sunday 11am-6pm
Closed on Tuesdays

973 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA, 94110

For more information visit or call 415.821.1055

This Weeks ISO50 Show Listings: NY / LA / SF

Posted by Jakub

Matthew Dear DJing @ Vessel in SF this Thursday

Here’s the list of shows in LA, SF and NYC this week of musicians we post on the blog.

Mon. 6 / 11
NY: Xeno & Oaklander @ Webster Hall (The Studio)
LA: Mmoths @ Bardot FREE W/ RSVP
SF: Go see Moonrise Kingdom in Theaters

Tue. 6 / 12
NY: Janka Nabay & The Bubu Gang @ Zebulon FREE SHOW
LA: Nite Jewel @ The Echo
SF: Here We Go Magic @ The Independent

Wed. 6 / 13
NY: Philip Glass @ Issue Project Room
LA: DNTEL & Baths @ The Airliner
SF: Margaret Dygas @ Icon Ultra Lounge

Thu. 6 / 14
NY: Selebrities & Beacon @ Glasslands Gallery
LA: Go see Moonrise Kingdom in Theaters
SF: Matthew Dear @ Vessel

Fri. 6 / 15
NY: Kurt Vile @ Maxwell’s
LA: Onuinu @ The Glass House

Sat. 6 / 16
NY: Shlohmo @ 285 Kent Avenue
LA: Gui Boratto & Matthew Dear @ Avalon
SF: Heathered Pearls (Ambient DJ set) @ Liminal Space

Sun. 6 / 17
NY: Computer Magic @ Cameo Gallery
LA: Aeroplane @ Drai’s
SF: Lemonade @ Rickshaw Stop

ISO50 Show listings for NYC / LA this week

Posted by Jakub

Singer Morgan Kibby of M83

It’s a reaaaaaally slow week for shows coming up but I definitely wanted to list a few things, if you haven’t been to St. Vitus I highly recommend it, i’ll be there tomorrow to see Scott Mou (half of Jane with Panda Bear) and a helpful and wonderful Other Music employee.

Fri. 11/25
NY: The Cure @ Beacon Theater

Sat. 11/26
NY: Scott Mou (DJ set) @ St. Vitus
LA: Plaid @ El Rey Theatre

Sun. 11/27

Mon. 11/28
LA: Cassettes Won’t Listen @ The Echo

Tue. 11/29
NY: Suzanne Vega @ Joe’s Pub

Wed. 11/30
LA: Boom Bip @ The Satellite

Thu. 12/1
NY: Future Islands @ Bowery Ballroom
LA: Boys Noize @ The Music Box

ISO50 Weekly Show Listings NY & LA

Posted by Jakub

Last night I realized I should be listing the shows of some of my favorite acts, I mean here and there these musicians freely share their art with us and I wanted to add a new level of support on the ISO50 blog, obviously I can’t share every tour schedule so i’ll pick shows weekly in NY and LA that are worth checking out.

Fri. 11/11
NY: Matthew Dear @ Public Assembly
LA: Holy Ghost! @ The Music Box
Sat. 11/12
NY: Braille, Tim Sweeney, Heathered Pearls @ Zablotski’s
LA: Real Estate @ The Echo
Sun. 11/13
NY: Skeletons, Andrew W.K.(DJing) @ 285 Kent
LA: —
Mon. 11/14
NY: Youth Lagoon @ Mercury Lounge
LA: —
Tue. 11/15
NY: Beacon @ Glasslands
LA: Frank Ocean @ El Rey Theatre
Wed. 11/16
NY: Innergaze @ Shea Stadium
LA: Flying Lotus @ The Music Box
Thu. 11/17
NY: Balam Acab @ Le Poisson Rouge
LA: Future Islands @ The Echo

Above are photos by Bryant Eslava of Sepalcure and Mux Mool from last nights Africa Hi-Tech show at Le Poisson Rouge.