Joaquim Blogs The Workshop
Posted by Scott
Regular commenter on this blog, Joaquim Marquès Nielsen, came out from Denmark to attend the Workshop in Stockholm. He’s written a rather thorough post with a lot of quotes and a good overview of the workshop. You can check it out here.
He was also kind enough to present me with a one of a kind package of genuine ISO50 Danish Cheese, which I was able to snap a shot of right before it was devoured after a long night at the Stockholm bars.

7 Comments Leave A Comment
Jakub says:
February 4, 2008 at 1:33 am!!! shut it, that cheese isn’t real is it?! :)
Scott says:
February 4, 2008 at 1:56 amyes sir, the cheese is for real. If by real you mean Danish cheese with an ISO50 label that Joaquim made stuck on it :)
James says:
February 4, 2008 at 5:07 amExcellent, Joaquim wrote a terrific post. Very insightful and informative. Looks like it would have been a fantastic time and it’s nice reading from an attendee’s point of view :) Thanks for the link, Scott, and congrats on the big trip.
Joaquim Marquès Nielsen says:
February 4, 2008 at 11:36 amJames –> I’m glad you enjoyed reading my post on the workshop :)
Marcus Evans says:
February 4, 2008 at 12:22 pmLove the cheese! Haha!
tim says:
February 4, 2008 at 3:49 pmScott,
never been on any of your workshops, i am one of your biggest fans and you are my favorite designer since i read the article on veerles blog! I’m always wondering about the excellent comprehension in the choice of colors and typography you are using. As far as i understand i read all your posts, the comments and all the other reports and interviews on other sites. I follow you all over the world ,every day, if only with my sony vaio.
I wish i coud visit you or some workshop anywhere in the world. Even in san francisco.I think in october i will starting a work expereince at melbourne (aus). Now im studying in düsseldorf (ger) communicationdesign and will give a presentation of your biography the next week! (-:
If you will ever being in germany, perhaps even near cologne or düsseldorf, i would be very glad to now about it! i will visit you!
soo… please do more of that f****** great visual stuff! I love it!