Bibio Vignetting The Compost videos

Posted by Jakub

Bibio photos

I’ve posted about Bibio plenty on here it feels like but with a new LP out now I had to share something different since i’ve already posted a song from Vignetting The Compost. I found these videos he did for a few new songs, enjoy.

Bibio – Mr. & Mrs. Compost

Bibio – Top Soil

Bibio – Torn Under The Window Light

10 Comments Leave A Comment


spacerock joe says:

March 6, 2009 at 11:46 am

i love bibio. definitely one of my top 5 artists out there. it’s too bad he took down all of his myspace pages. he used to have about 5 bands, each with a different aesthetic. there was an instrumental hip hop project that was pretty cool where he had a bunch of vids playing the mpc. in fact, a bunch of his pages used to have links to videos on how he made his music, except for “champagne eagle” which was a faux lost 80s smooth rock band. actually, that myspace is still around but not checked for a year.


rtificial says:

March 6, 2009 at 2:47 pm

Boards of Canada actually endorsed bibio with a review, which I seen quoted on long ago. I really love the clark – ted remix too.

I’m going to have to check to see if I can find them videos of his hip hop project, it’s sparked my interest. Plus I’m an MPC/sampling geek.


booby says:

March 6, 2009 at 3:47 pm

bibos music is cool.. but the videos are style over substance.. his videos tell no story.its just stuff cut together.


spacerockjoe says:

March 7, 2009 at 12:23 pm

he also did an amazing remix of the wax stag track, “folk rock.”

on the boards of canada conection, they actually listed bibio as one of their major influences for the “campfire headphase” album in a review on pitchfork a few years back.


John Sly says:

March 8, 2009 at 9:10 am

Also in love with Bibio. His music is what I turn to first to drag me out of a crappy mood. Though, I must agree the videos are no more than relatively interesting footage that any of us with an old camera could’ve strewn together. But their aesthetic does display images that I’ve always had conjured when listening to his music.

Does anyone know if he ever plays live or anything?