Where the Wild Things Are
Posted by Jakub
Spike Jonze is about to make the movie of a lifetime in my opinion. The music/movie director will be releasing my(maybe everyone’s) favorite childhood book Where the Wild Things Are onto the big screen. Just look at these shots, they’re golden, and I just want to see more. Rumors around the web say that there will be no effects just large puppets, I think as a fan I couldn’t of asked for more.

38 Comments Leave A Comment
Rent says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:04 amsaw some previews for this a while back….YES! love love this book and always have…
Mike Haskew says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:05 amOh happy day! Those shots look perfect, and I agree, CG could easily ruin this film. Can’t wait to see it.
Jon says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:29 amCouldn’t agree more. I hear that the project was held back for some reason. I think it was too scary for kids… or something along those lines. I’ve been sporting my WTWTA shirt for a couple years in anticipation!
CMP says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:30 amWhen I heard about it a while back, I figured visually, it would be way over the top, but these pictures suggest otherwise.
koneyn says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:41 am“Rumors around the web say that there will be no effects just large puppets”
Great, finally!! :)
TBH, I’m mostly sick of computer-generated characters mixed in with standard movies; I don’t know about kids today, maybe they’ll be disappointed, but I was longing for the use of puppets in movies such as this one…
James White says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:44 amIf anyone could bring Sendak’s vision to life, it’s Jonze. Keeping the effects to an absolute minimum would be the only road to take, given the book is strictly ink and paint. On a related note, I recently picked up this Maurice Sendak dvd with an animated version of Wild Things made in the 70s.
Jakub says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:55 amI can’t get over that top photo, its been my desktop all weekend long, I cant stop starring at it.
Justin Meyers says:
January 5, 2009 at 9:59 amThis seriously looks awesome. This was also my favorite book growing up. I think this and Clint Eastwoods Gran Turino are going to be some exciting movies in 09′.
@Koneyn – I agree soooo incredibly tired of heavy computer generated characters. Chronicles of Narnia and all of it’s ilk was like watching a video game trailer. Jim Henson must be rolling in his grave.
RandyPan says:
January 5, 2009 at 10:13 amThis is awesome!
WTWTA was definitely my favorite book as a young lad.
Great to hear Spike is making a movie about it.
brian says:
January 5, 2009 at 10:20 amHey Scott,
Spike talked at length about the status of the film, the wild things costumes etc. here: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39145. Looks amazing!
sean patrick says:
January 5, 2009 at 10:51 ami thought this film was canceled… i was really bummed when i heard that. im glad to see its back!
Justin Meyers says:
January 5, 2009 at 11:15 am@Sean – I thought so too!
Read this:
The guy in charge of funding the film at Warner Bros. said they’re giving it more money and more time.
There’s actually a leak of the film on youtube:
It’s set to release Oct. 09′ from what I can tell.
corbu says:
January 5, 2009 at 11:18 amyeah but… didn’t they hold it back or change it at some point because it was “too disturbing?”
i want to see THAT version : (
Justin Meyers says:
January 5, 2009 at 11:35 am@Corbu – No kidding. I would love to see that version. My understanding is that it was mostly disturbing because of the expressionless puppet faces. I guess that was all fixed when they went CGI?
People that saw the loose preview have just been given permission to write about it. All the ones that I’ve read said the previews were incredible and the director and writers later said that’s not even half way done. Which I guess alludes to it holding a lot more surprises for people.
koneyn says:
January 5, 2009 at 12:12 pm@Justin Meyers
“Jim Henson must be rolling in his grave.”
Oh, man, I really miss this guy :(((
Jakub says:
January 5, 2009 at 12:16 pmgaaawd let Spike Jonze just do what he has to do, let him have the freedom, i’m sure he realized that kids will be watching this but I saw Dark Crystal and that Return To Oz and those were freaky at times and it was fine
Justin Meyers says:
January 5, 2009 at 12:29 pm@Koneyn and Jakub –
Yeah, Dark Crystal is still pretty creepy, but that’s apart of the magic to be sappy. It’s not much of an adventure if you comfortable at ever turn. I think Labyrinth was the latest adventure into child-like imagination.
Did either of you check out the youtube video I posted earlier? It’s post CGI. The photography is incredible. Tons color saturation.
Jakub says:
January 5, 2009 at 12:49 pmJustin Meyers –
Are you talking about this?
give me goosebumps, its gonna be the best movie ever
Justin Meyers says:
January 5, 2009 at 1:02 pmJakub-
Yeah – that would be her!
Looks amazing. The photography almost reminds me of Animal Collectives “Peace Bone” video.
Corby says:
January 5, 2009 at 1:04 pmI more appreciated Where the Wild Things Are, for it’s influence in the movie Labyrinth… now THAT was a story that I got into.
And I am so pleased they are not doing CGI. The subtle effects of seeing something real might startle some kids these days though.
I just wish this Dark Crystal sequel I heard about were following a no-CGI rule as well. CGI cheapens it, in my opinion.
Ciaran McCaffrey says:
January 5, 2009 at 1:05 pmHeres a test trailer I found, love this old skool style, reminds me of dark crystal!
Corby says:
January 5, 2009 at 1:20 pmWhen is Return to OZ freaky? I watched that a million times as a kid. Ok, maybe when Mombie’s head wakes up.
Hmmm, I think I’ll watch that tonight.
Jakub says:
January 5, 2009 at 1:26 pmCorby –
uhhh, hello the Wheelers:
Corby says:
January 5, 2009 at 2:00 pmThe Wheelers were just silly and amusing. Tik Tok fought them all off just by spinning his arms around.
I don’t know… I think the best fantasy has a dark edge to it. The Deadly Desert was a scary concept I guess.
What Return to OZ did though which was its own twisted take on things was the bit at the beginning with the electro shock therapy.
Secret Person says:
January 5, 2009 at 8:53 pmThe ‘no effects’ rumors are not true.
The film uses walk-about, partially animatronic suits, but will have CG faces composited over the animatronic heads. The faces are covered in motion capture markers (those little reflective ping-pong balls) for tracking data, and the facial performance is animated similarly to other CG features.
There is also a great deal of effects work due to the size and weight of the costumes. Partial body replacement and full CG characters are used where a human being could not possibly manipulate over 100 pounds of fur-covered foam. And as with any modern movie there are tons of CG set extensions and wire-removals.
Andrew J. says:
January 5, 2009 at 10:41 pmThe production company did not hold Spike back, or make him do a reshoot because it was too dark, they just kinda had second thoughts. Spike said something like, “They expected a boy and I made a girl. They just had trouble learning to love their new daughter.” or something along the lines of that haha.
The movie has just taken longer than anyone expected, but at least it’s going to be done right!
Andrew J. says:
January 5, 2009 at 10:42 pmPS that test footage is very different from anything in the movie supposedly, and as you can see, its different actors too.
Ben says:
January 6, 2009 at 4:03 amYes, all along they were going to have CG faces, but I had heard through the grapevine that they were having a lot of issues doing the tracking for some reason… I had also heard a great story from the shoot in Victoria that the stunt-double suits were getting trashed by overly-enthusiastic stunt guys and needed a lot of tedious morphing in post to make them look like the acting suits…
I think it’ll be a good movie. It’s perfect for Spike because I think he uses vfx sparingly, but effectively, like in that Adidas commercial he did a few years back [http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=-7MeeKKl5Dg]
January 9, 2009 at 8:43 amSuper duper stoked about this!!
I hope they didn’t lighten it up too much, I mean have they read the book? it’s pretty dark.
Sean says:
February 10, 2009 at 2:27 pmHope this makes it to the big screen. Favorite childhood book! What about a plot though? ha.
jefi says:
February 11, 2009 at 1:34 pmi had the (displeasure?) of meeting Maurice Sendak a number of years ago at a book signing. he proved to be the biggest a–hole i had ever encountered in such a meeting. Refused to sign my book under my name and insisted that it be for a child–Nevermind that i was that child who wanted the book signed for posterity. Anywho, despite the man being an absolute twat I continue to enjoy the book and i look forward to the film.
Moka says:
March 24, 2009 at 1:02 amTeaser due out on friday on the ‘aliens vs monsters’ movie. I assume it will also be upped right here: http://www.wherethewildthingsare.com
E-Man says:
March 25, 2009 at 3:37 pmthe fact that he’s opted to use full size costumes instead of CGI is a thrill ! DOn’t get me wrong I luv that CGI has came so far, but Jonze knows how much this story means to so many of us that are REAL Old School ! & I can’t see this being anything but pure genius ! Im working on my costume for the movie premier as soon as i get home 2nite!
Jayden Lawson says:
January 23, 2011 at 10:25 pmWow I saw this for the first time last week and wondered if it was full CG characters, or just faces!! Thanks guys!