Bulgarian Socialist Era Album Covers

Posted by Jon M

Continuing with album design theme, here is a great set of Bulgarian Socialist era album cover designs, curated by SOCMUS.

SOCMUS is a virtual museum that presents different sections of the Bulgarian graphic design from the socialist era, 1944-1989, and is curated by photographer Nikola Mihov, and the architects Martin Angelov and Valeri Gyurov.

7 Comments Leave A Comment


davehardy says:

June 27, 2012 at 5:04 pm

@jonathan – Great post! There is some amazing work here… real gems I would have never known existed. The “Stravinsky – Rite of Spring” one really caught my eye, as did the rainbow 73 (which struck me as very “Apple Macintosh”).


Fernando says:

August 29, 2012 at 4:44 am

– Jonas,Efter att ha hittat och ff6ljt din blogg och uepgatprindar pe5 din hemsida se5 har du fe5tt mig genuint intresserad av fotografi. Jag tycker att du tar fantastiska bilder och att du dessutom skriver en mycket le4sve4rd blogg gf6r att jag numera kikar in i dina hem pe5 internet minst en ge5ng om dagen.Jag f6nskar dig all lycka i allt vad du tar dig ff6r!MvhTobias