Benoit Pioulard “Ragged Tint” video

Posted by Jakub

A mysterious and compelling video for a song from the mysterious and compelling Benoît Pioulard (the recording project of Thomas Meluch– we had his “Brown Bess” here on ISO50 blog earlier). “Ragged Tint” as a song hints a certain desperation beneath Meluch’s velvety purr of a voice, with its rapidly plucked chords and steady forward movement, and the video picks up on the underlying anxiety. A figure wanders through fields, comes upon a strange house, and unearths a magical box of some sort. Director Ryan Jeffery knows how to set the scene. – Pitchfork Media

15 Comments Leave A Comment


erik says:

October 7, 2008 at 8:42 pm

Surprisingly disappointing live last week in Portland. It was just an amateurish noise jam with no connection to his recorded work.


RIsEoben says:

December 4, 2008 at 11:01 pm

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