BMW Art Cars
As Michael J. pointed out in the comments of the previous Sharpie Lamborghini post, Robert Rauschenberg was way ahead of the game on the whole "drawing all over badass cars" thing with his photo transfer 635 Csi way back in 1986 (first car pictured above). As it turns out, he wasn’t alone either. Among others, but perhaps most notably, Andy Warhol took a shot at the concept (see videos below) as part of the BMW Art Car program. More Info and pictures on all the Art Cars can be found at the US Auto Parts Art Car Site. You can also find some nice big wallpapers of the Rauschenberg car over here.
And no, this site isn’t switching format to an automotive blog; regardless of the recent spike in vehicle related posts. Thanks again for the heads-up on the Rauschenberg car Michael.

12 Comments Leave A Comment
Phreak 2.0 says:
September 3, 2008 at 8:28 amNice!
But I miss the latest BMW Art Car project by Olafur Eliasson:
btw: click here to digg your story
michael j. says:
September 3, 2008 at 10:44 pmno problem…on a related note:
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