Komputer Cast Vol. 1 by Com Truise

Posted by Jakub

Com Truise comes to us via New Jersey which is the home of recent favorite bands like Ducktails and Memory Tapes, it’s a state that I didn’t think about much when it came to finding electronically made music. Little did I know they also have a synth-head brewing up podcasts and free EP’s, collecting library music and old Italo records and he goes under the name Com Truise. Not only does he make great music he also has his own great branding and look, so check out the mix above and download it here for free.

9 Comments Leave A Comment


ghostinthetoast says:

July 27, 2010 at 1:44 pm

Is this the same guy as ‘Tom Croose’? I didn’t care for this quite as much as the ‘Marv is sick of winter’ and ‘Summer of Croose’ ones, though it felt kind of the same. This is all so very confusing…


Shal says:

July 28, 2010 at 10:48 pm

Yeah he’s not Tom Croose, a bit confusing trying to find his myspace. Three volumes have been released so far, vol. 2 is probably my favourite. Cool art too, extra credit!