I missed seeing the Warm Ghost play the other night with School Of Seven Bells but luckily a friend turned me onto them via the magical internet. The lo-fi wobbly piano part is beautiful especially when its accompanied by the vox and it comes together like if The Doves did something with a Tom Waits that hits high notes. If you like this then you should check out their EP.
I can’t believe i’ve never shared any Ashra on here, this stuff is pretty much what i’d try to make if someone gave me a room of synths but i’d probably go even more New Age with it and obliviously i’d grow a ponytail as well.
One guy that’s holding down the Detroit sound is Black Milk, since he was like 18 people in Michigan swore he was going to be amazing, this track shows that he’s pretty damn amazing in my book, don’t miss the last 20 seconds either.
I know i’ve already post this song on the blog but here’s the video for Bicycle by Memory Tapes.

6 Comments Leave A Comment
Brent says:
June 15, 2010 at 11:42 amBlack Milk is definitely ‘holding down the Detroit sound.’ I like his production much more than his lyrics; regardless, dope ish!
d|| says:
June 15, 2010 at 1:52 pmJakub. Where can I find Don Cornelius?
David says:
June 15, 2010 at 6:13 pmThat Ashra is all up in my alley. I’m a sucker for that whistly reverby sound.
mza says:
June 16, 2010 at 9:19 ami heard that black milk track on the new Royce da 5’9″ mixtape, “Bar Exam 3”.
Free download! sweet mixtape!
Black Milk also did a bunch of stuff with Sean Price and Guilty Simpson (as Random Axe) and im not sure, but I think he produced all of that stuff.
birdledge says:
June 16, 2010 at 12:01 pmThis Warm Ghost song is awesome. Looks like it’s on vinyl too! http://geographic-north.com/
Nearthewater says:
June 16, 2010 at 5:01 pmYeah that Warm Ghost song is killer. Just saw Itunes has it too : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/claws-overhead/id370183711 … I saw them live and it ruled.