Liveblogging The OFFF
Posted by Scott
I’m not sure "liveblogging" is even a word but I’m posting this from the booth at OFFF Lisbon so I suppose it’s fitting (the WiFi actually works this year!). All the above images are from today’s festivities, it’s about 3pm right now so we’ve a bit to go still. The beer is flowing and the sun is shining so come out; even if you don’t have a ticket you can hang out in the main area where there’s lots of people, food, and drink. So far Lisbon has been great, judging by the things I saw out the window on the cab ride from the hotel to the event I have a lot of walking around to do once I have a spare minute.

16 Comments Leave A Comment
james says:
May 8, 2008 at 7:31 amThis looks like such a great time. Wonderful shots, Scott, thanks for sharing.
Looks like you have a lot of product with you, you ever have issues flying all that stuff around?
Zick says:
May 8, 2008 at 7:35 amWhat up Scott! Man…thatt looks like a good time. Like minded folks and endless visual stimuli. Enjoy it bro! I’ve been enjoying following you on the blog this week…. anyways, one quick note. I alllllmost went to Euro 2004 which was hosted there (throughout the country). One of the big features was that they had to build like 8 new soccer/futbol stadiums and I think one of them was in Lisbon/Lisboa …not sure if you saw it flying in, but the designs, lines, lighting of the stadiums were pretty nice (from what I could tell before not going).
Anyways — have a good time. Just think what you’re missing…730am on the Left Coast and heading to jwerk…
Joaquim Marquès Nielsen says:
May 8, 2008 at 7:38 amI must say that the location of the OFFF (the factory you linked to earlier) looks absolutely stunning! Great that they’ve preserved the sort of “abandoned” look.
Shot nr. two (the one with the bridge there): you can really feel the heat and aura of creativity. Makes me even more sad that I’m not there. Darn…
PT says:
May 8, 2008 at 8:31 amFreaking amazing dude, I must say that Joshua Davis has some sweet skills. Hope your having a darn good time!
Jug says:
May 8, 2008 at 8:44 amGreat photos, Scott! Have a good trip.
Felipe says:
May 8, 2008 at 9:54 amI wish I was there…..=/
Portugal seems to be a really nice country, and the fact that they speak the same language as me makes me want even more to be there, specially on an event like OFFF.
You get some great effects on your pictures, sometimes a halo is visible around darker colors, on the American Apparel text on those boxes, the shadow is smoothly eliminated around the letters….you get this effect only by switching the sliders on color balance adjusment or it is your camera?
Alan says:
May 8, 2008 at 9:55 amLooks like alot of fun : ) Can’t wait to see the photos : )
Justin Meyers says:
May 8, 2008 at 10:34 amDude, you have your girlfriend running your booth?
Scott says:
May 8, 2008 at 11:03 amfelipe-
i do a lot of color balance in all three ranges, is that what you are referring to? the halos are sometimes an artifact of d-lighting, whihc I do in the camera and also in photoshop.
nope…those girls are from OFFF, they’re helping me and my brother out.
Felipe says:
May 8, 2008 at 11:36 amI thought that the halos were a result from the color balance adjustments, I´ve read on a previous post that you work on all three ranges, but I didn´t know if this was related to this halo-effect…..d-lighting makes sense to me when it is related to the camera, but I was wondering how to produce that effect on photoshop….thanks for the attention =)
Justin Meyers says:
May 8, 2008 at 12:04 pmWell, looks like a ton of fun. I would also like to know how you travel so well with all of your merch. I have a hard time with 3 bags.
Michael → Boicozine says:
May 9, 2008 at 2:03 pm‘Liveblogging’ is definitely a word… or a term… or… well it’s something. We did some live blogging from Luxembourg for MagCulture at Colophon2007 last year which mainly involved me and my iBook sitting at the back tapping away fer hours on end. Dead fun but.
Nuvie says:
May 9, 2008 at 8:23 pmWho’s the cute guy in yellow with the long hair?
Arseny says:
May 23, 2008 at 2:11 pmHigh five from Russian web magazine
I wear your t-shirt
Love it!
Ludovic says:
March 12, 2009 at 1:41 pmI am late but anyway, I hope you had a great time in the country i’m living now!
I’m from the north, from Oporto (wich is a beautiful city also) but i recently feel in love with Lisboa, specially the Bairro Alto area; secular buildings combined with modern street art.
Was the OFFF festival held in LX Factory?