FITC: Day 2
Posted by Scott
Just finished up my presentation at FITC Toronto. I really enjoyed talking and want to thank everyone who came out as well as thank FITC for having me. It’s been a pretty intense 3 days with two shows and a speech but all the work is finally done so now it’s time to relax and enjoy the conference and the city.
I was able to catch my friends from North Kingdom’s presentation just now. Unfortunately Rob was home sick but David did a great job. Incidentally, the shot above is from the NK presentation as it’s all I had available at the time of this post, the shots from mine will be arriving shortly.

10 Comments Leave A Comment
will says:
April 21, 2008 at 11:37 pmWow, were there any girls there? This business is so male. We need more ladies. The soft touch is missing.
justin says:
April 22, 2008 at 12:07 amSaw you today at FITC , just wanted to say I thought it was one of the best talks of the whole FITC . I really loved your break down of the concepts behind your artwork and nobody that i have seen yet at FITC has really showed their process like you . I was actually the guy in the front row who asked about if you had yet animated any of your work .
Anyways i hope i get a chance again to run into you tomorrow or at the after party to pick more of your brain
Cheers Justin
justin says:
April 22, 2008 at 12:12 amps
will . There were tons of cute girls there way more than i expected .I guess that shot was just lacking of the fairer of the sex.
drew kora says:
April 22, 2008 at 10:03 amawesome that the NK guys were there…I’ve been a fan of Rob Lindstrom for years…his illustration blows me away. Gorgeous stuff.
Matt Rix says:
April 23, 2008 at 10:39 amA bunch of guys from our company are the ones in the foreground of this shot. We were also at your presentation and though it was great. It was sweet to see your process and learn more about your inspirations. When I got home that night I spent a couple hours just playing around with my scanner, trying to get the same kind of effects you got. It was harder than it looked, but I still got some cool results.
Laura says:
April 23, 2008 at 6:38 pmHi Scott,
I was also at your presentation at FITC on Monday and I just wanted to say that your work is really inspiring and just outright gorgeous. I wasn’t expecting there to be many design based seminars amongst the Actionscript and Flash but I was glad I could catch you there. Keep up the great work!
Alyssa Munaretto says:
April 24, 2008 at 8:51 amJust want to say that your work is super inspiring, I was also at FITC and was fortunate enough to share an elevator with you, too shy to say hi though haha
I bought some of your prints and cant wait to put them up.
You’re awesome,
Thanks for sharing your talent with us all,
Matt says:
April 24, 2008 at 11:12 amYea I was in the audience at FITC. I enjoyed it a bunch, keep up the good work!
Joanna says:
April 27, 2008 at 10:33 amHi Scott,
Thanks so much for sharing your work and your process with everyone, it’s so beautiful and so inspiring. I hope you come back to FITC next year!
Oh, and you’re totally cute.