Archive for the Travel Tag

Heads of State / Travel Posters

Posted by Alex

Great new series of posters by the Heads of State. I love the colors! (Vaguely reminiscent of the 826LA Time Travel series, with less type or floating people…) I wish travel agencies packed their walls with anything nearly this cool looking. I might actually decide to go somewhere based on the poster — as opposed to questioning my travel plans as I stare at a 1980’s US Air sponsored photograph of “Miami”.

Don’t forget their Legal Weed packaging too. Hilarious stuff. The Travel series is available for purchase here.

Tata Vislevskaya

Posted by Alex

Tata Vislevskaya has some incredible pictures of the Swiss Alps. This is something I really enjoy; shots of epic landscapes like this, paired with this style of processing. I love seeing the blacks turn to purples and blues (especially in the mountains on that first one). The rest of her series, especially the ones of Iceland, really spurs the travel bug in me. I’ve always really wanted to go to Reykjavik.

via TSA

Amsterdam 2010

Posted by Scott

I’ve just finished packing for tomorrow’s trip to Amsterdam where I’ll be speaking at FITC (sorry, the event has sold out). I’ll be talking about my background and theory along with some in depth process stuff, should be fun. I am not sure if they’re taping, I’ll check when I get there.

I’ll be bringing along my D80 and trying to get some good shots during my week there. I was going through some photos from last year’s trip and it really inspired me to get back into photography. I’ve been super busy with music and design lately so the only work the D80 has been doing lately is product photography stuff so it will be nice to give it a workout in such a beautiful place. Seeing those old pictures also reminded me that I need to get them up; I stopped posting halfway through an around the world trip I took a couple years back and there’s a lot of shots left to process and post (like the wing over Stockholm above).

Hope to see you at FITC…


Posted by Scott

So a couple of months ago I realized that I haven’t really been on a real vacation in my entire adult life. Sure, I went on that trip with my brother a couple years back, but there was a fair amount of business mixed in there and the rest of the time it was more about seeing and doing everything we could and less about relaxing. My neighbors got married in Tulum, Mexico a couple years ago and all of the stories and pictures they came back with made the place seem amazing. Fast forward to a couple months ago and throw pig flu into the mix and you have a cheap, awesome vacation in a tropical paradise. We’re flying into Cancun then driving down to Playa Del Carmen for the first few nights and then it’s on to Tulum. Staying at this awesome hotel called “Basico”. Looks very well designed.

In keeping with the vacation spirit I have decided not to bring my laptop or the big camera. I know I will regret this at some point, but sometimes you need a break from everything and with those two things anywhere near me I just start thinking about work. I will be bringing my little Canon Elf which can take HD video and does a surprising job at still photos for how small it is. Besides, it’s a pretty good feeling knowing I’m going to be leaving tomorrow morning for a week and everything I need will fit in a carry-on shoulder bag. I think that fact alone is enough to make up for leaving the D80 behind.

So I’ll be leaving the blog posting in Jakub and Alex’s capable hands for the next week. I will have my iPhone so I’ll probably post some stuff up to Twitter now and then. And hopefully the site itself doesn’t completely implode — if you didn’t notice today (what timing!) we had a lot of server issues which seem to have been resolved for the time being. Anyways, see you all in a week, time to disconnect from the matrix for a while…

NYC April 09

Posted by Scott


I’ll be heading back to my other favorite city today for the F5 fest. I’m staying a few extra days as I haven’t had the chance to really enjoy myself the last few times I’ve been in NYC. Jakub scored some tickets to the Brainfeeder/Flying Lotus show @ Love so we’ll definitely be making it out to that. I’m brining the Nikon and the new little Canon (which, by the way, I’ve been loving) for some undercover HD video action; I’ll post up the results as they roll in.

Amazing photos via Chozno01

A Trip to Europe ’63

Posted by Scott


Stephen over at Mid-Century Modernist posted shots of some great European travel posters sent to him by his late father. Apparently the posters had remained in the shipping tube for a few years until discovered during a move. Thanks for sharing Stephen, and thanks to all your friends for holding them down in the shots! (what is that like 3 people holding the Bern print down?) Link

And in case you were wondering, the “Paris” font seems to be URW Bodoni Extra Bold Extra Wide Oblique. There are some slight differences but I am assuming these are artifacts of the digitization perhaps? I hate it when I see a classic font used like this and then find the modern version and it’s just a bit off. “Bern” seems to be PL Brazilia Three.