Archive for the swiss posters Tag

SwissAir Posters

Recently I’ve stumbled upon SR692—quite possibly the best collection of SwissAir collateral. It is definitely the biggest collection and had these gems stowed deep within. Most of these posters were came from the 50s to the 70s archives on the site. The few I’ve posted are very straight forward as you can see. Simply utilizing the generic airplane icon, a headline and the SwissAir logo—part of what makes these posters so unique.

Via Wanken

Brockmann in Motion

My love for Swiss design just grew substantially. Up until now I hadn’t seen any swiss or international style design pieces translated into motion. But now Vít Zemčík has done it and he has done it well.

This was an educational project made during the International Typography Workshop in Czieszyn. The task was to translate a known print design piece into motion. If you’re not familiar with the poster Vít has used, it is by Josef Müller-Brockmann, one of the greatest Swiss designers.

Wolfgang Weingart

Posted by Alex

I’ve seen these posters floating around the internet for a while. I searched long and far to try and find anything at all about them, always to no avail. It was tough when all I had was the letters NR and my feeble attempts to describe their excellence to Google. Recently I saw them again on Shelby White’s blog and was very excited to at least have a small lead as to their origin.

Turns out they were designed by Wolfgang Weingart for Kunstgewerbeschule Basle in 1974. These, and a number of other Swiss poster designs, are at The Swiss Poster Collection at Carnegie Melon University. I would love to see one in person; I’m very curious how large they are. I like to imagine them as these massive wall sized super posters, best viewed at a distance. Ready to intimidate any graphic designers that unwittingly wander underneath.

*Favorite is definitely NR1