Archive for the international Tag

Psycho (1960) Advertising

Posted by Scott

Italian Poster

Italian poster top detail. So good!

Lobby Card (edit)

Three Sheet Poster (crop)

French Poster (detail)

1970's Czech Poster

Flickr user “Advertising Hitchcock” has a large collection of beautiful high-res scans of — as the name implies — original advertising from Hitchcock films. Of particular interest is the Psycho (1960) set, which includes international versions of the release poster. The Italian version is definitely my favorite; considering that the file is generously offered at such a high resolution (1352×2674 @ 300dpi), I’m going to have to fire up the Epson. For some reason made me think of the classic sci-fi covers stuff from Eric Carl. Also be sure to check out the type on the lobby cards; great layout.

Sorry, no information on the designers. Please let me know if you have any names.


Scans via Advertising Hitchcock