Archive for the Ellen Allien Tag


Posted by Jakub

Toro Y Moi has a new 7 inch coming out on Carpark Records, he went with a new recording style which included leaving all the electronics out, definitely on a 50’s pop tip, i’m interested in hearing the rest of it.

I saw Janelle Monae on David Letterman the other night, she blew me away and usually I don’t care for lyricists, anyone have any thoughts on her? I think she’s the prettiest top 40 artist i’ve seen in awhile with great taste. I’m not a Outkast fan so the Big Boi guest spot doesn’t do anything for me, it’s disappointing that that’s the way major labels have to break new artists.

This Teen Daze song should just be the Toro Y Moi song, am I right?

Oh Ellen Allien, I want to love you but what are you doing? guitars? really? just do what you do and if you experiment maybe pick a new moniker because if you grab a guitar then your in a whole new world of good guitar music coming out and this just doesn’t seem to hold up next to them.