NASA’s Early Space Suit Tests

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Fun fact: most of the early space suits were manufactured by ILC Dover, also known as Playtex, the same company that made women’s undergarments. More wall-worthy goodies from the San Diego Air & Space Museum on Flickr. How well can you head-bang in space?


8 Comments Leave A Comment


TDR says:

April 27, 2013 at 10:12 am

Gotta love futura. I think they chose that font one because its San serif and universal , but also the name. Great set!


Gloria says:

June 27, 2013 at 9:11 am

LORD Monckton, is a phony Lord of Parliament, a liar, and asked for mandatory HIV+ Concentration Camps.1) Lord Monckton was NOT a memebr of U.K. Parliament (the logo is phony)2) Was NOT a science adviser of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (she spoke against global warming.)3) Deliberately LIES about scientific evidence and the IPCC.4) In 1987 advocated mandatory imprisonment & isolation for anyone HIV+.He’s a WACKO. For info:Debunking Monckton Part 2/watch?v=duxG4lyeSlc&feature=channel


Rais says:

July 1, 2013 at 10:58 am

WHAT COOLING?March was the HOTTEST March in the UAH 32 year satellite recrod.UAH (Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville) is run by Dr. Christy, the well known AGW denier.Global temperatures for February = 2nd WARMEST February in 32 years.Global Temperatures for JANUARY = the HOTTEST January for UAH in 32 years.LOL!!!HOT OFF THE PRESS 4/10/10See the hilarious, delightful YouTube from greenman3610Debunking LORD MONCKTON Part 1/watch?v=JfA1LpiYk2o