Mark Weaver

Posted by Alex

The Rosette Nebula (H-alpha)
The above are from Mark Weaver’s Make Something Cool Everyday project. I’ve seen a number of these types of projects, especially on Behance, and Mark consistently has some of the more impressive results. The top image is my favorite by far; drastic big/small differences in type always appeal to me when done well.

I’ve never really put my daily “coolness generation” skills to the test; I usually make something cool over a period of weeks or months. Once I have a visual aesthetic defined, I can churn out work pretty quick, but the development of this always takes at least a week. Maybe I should start my own ‘everyday cool’ project to speed up my workflow…

13 Comments Leave A Comment


Scott says:

April 26, 2009 at 11:42 pm

wow man! those are very cool….great type in all of those. I always thought it would be really liberating to do a project like this just because you could sort of throw a lot of stuff out and see what sticks without worrying too much because there’s always tomorrow.


Bas says:

April 27, 2009 at 3:19 am

Nice! These really work great as a series. Definitely cool.
And it’s a good idea to force yourself to make just something everyday and then call it ‘make something cool everyday’. I’m liking this!


Tim says:

April 27, 2009 at 7:58 am

Yeah is cranks it out. Always looking forward to the next project. Its cool to see when he drains an idea and moves on to a new look.


Bernat says:

April 27, 2009 at 1:36 pm

Completelly agree with you. Mark Weaver’s everday work is awsome. I’ve the intention to start a “Make Something cool every day” this whole july.
As I suppose, as well as me, you, being a student, won’t study on summer… So I welcome you to join my intention.

Greatings from BCN!


quoquo says:

May 4, 2009 at 8:06 am

My favorite is the astrocat. It’s straight forward retrofuturistic awesomeness.

I’m not too sure about the other ones. They do look great, I like the reserved colors that are sexy at the same time in a naturalistic way. I don’t recognize any of those olde worlde gentlemen, physicists most likely.

This reminds me of a dialectic that the American physicist Steven Weinberg pointed to in an interview I read the other day.
He said that “a lot of people believe that inaccessible [science] is inevitably profound in its meaning”. But he also talks about the Einsteinian God and the solastic component of art.

So I guess in that sense Weaver’s work is all smoke and mirrors, but It looks great.


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